When we started vanning this summer, we knew we wanted to have some fun gear on hand to keep us active. An inflatable kayak was the purchase we made first, and we don’t regret it one bit!
I’m a pretty happy-go-lucky dog. The only things that really stress me out are (1) loud noises and (2) not having a chance to poop when nature calls… and strangers entering my van… and anyone coming too close to my mom. (I guess I can be a little overprotective.) But really, those first two are my main stress triggers.
Since loud noises are pretty uncommon, number 2 is really the only stressor we need to worry about, and we easily avoid it by sticking to a routine.
Our van is super cozy, especially when we’re in the upstairs bed loft. But being comfortable and cozy while campervanning isn’t as easy as it might seem. We rarely like to fully plan our travels, usually opting for spontaneity when possible. But when it comes to vanlife, that can create some real problems.
Hey, guys. I’m Tiger, and since I’m the whole reason my parents decided to do vanlife, I wanted to introduce myself and tell you about some of my favorite dog-friendly features of my new van.
Campervanning with a big and fairly old wise dog like me requires some extra planning and considerations, so we made a lot of choices to make vanlife easier for all of us.
We’re finally on the road after two months of work on the campervan, and after a long day of driving, we were ready to call it a day.
As Ian started cooking dinner, I took Tiger out for his last walk of the night, and when we turned back toward the van to head in, there was the Milky Way.
If you’re wondering how the three of us (two people and our dog Tiger) are managing in our self-converted Transit campervan, then our new VanLife Chronicles series will tell you.
It’s been a busy month! Ian and I haven’t done much adventuring since we’ve been completely absorbed in van building, but we’ve got some exciting new van build additions to share.
Take a peek inside our 2017 Ford Transit camper van! Join us at the beach for a quick tour of our now officially camp-able van, and say hello to our dog Tiger (the real owner of the van).
It’s official! Our camper van is officially camp-able — albeit a bit incomplete.
Phase One of our van build is nearly finished, so this past weekend we decided to take our Ford Transit campervan out for a test camping trip! With just a few days remaining before our scheduled return to Chicago, we drove the van to both the beach and the desert for a brief but relaxing first trip.